Engineering information
Siemens D11.7
(Part 1) – 2013
CU320-2 Control Unit
The communication, open-loop and closed-loop control
functions for the SINAMICS G150 drive are executed in the
CU320-2 Control Unit.
Two versions of the CU320-2 Control Unit are available,
with different bus communication protocols:
- CU320-2 DP with one PROFIBUS interface with
PROFIdrive profile
- CU320-2 PN (
option K95
) with a PROFINET interface with
PROFIdrive profile
Additional bus communication protocols are available by
inserting a communications module in the option slot.
The CU320-2 Control Unit has the following interfaces
as standard (Note: Some of the inputs and outputs may be
utilized for internal signals or options).
• 12 parameterizable digital inputs 24 V DC (isolated)
• 8 parameterizable bidirectional digital inputs/digital
outputs 24 V DC (non-floating)
• 1 serial RS232 interface (connection for the AOP30
Advanced Operator Panel)
• 1 slot for the CompactFlash card on which firmware and
parameters are stored
• 1 slot for mounting an option module (e.g. TB30 Terminal
Board or CBE20 Communications Board Ethernet)
• 2 rotary coding switches for manually setting the PROFIBUS
• 1 Ethernet interface for commissioning and diagnostics
• 3 test sockets and one reference ground for commissioning
A shield connection for the signal cable shield on the option
module is located on the CU320-2 Control Unit.
The status of the CU320-2 Control Unit is indicated via
multi-color LEDs.
As the firmware and parameter settings are stored on a
plug-in CompactFlash card, the Control Unit can be changed
without the need for software tools.
The CompactFlash card contains the firmware and
parameter settings. The CompactFlash card is plugged
into the appropriate slot on the CU320-2 Control Unit.