Siemens IK PI · 2015
Industry Services
Industry Services for the entire life cycle
Modernization & Optimization Services
High machine availability, expanded functionality and selective
energy savings – in all industries, these are decisive factors for
increasing productivity and lowering costs. Whether a company
wants to modernize individual machines, optimize drive sys-
tems, or upgrade entire plants, Siemens’ experts support the
projects from planning to commissioning.
Expert consulting and project management with solution respon-
sibility lead to security and make it possible to specifically iden-
tify savings potential in production. This secures investments
over the long term and increases economic efficiency in opera-
Plant Maintenance & Condition Monitoring
Modern industrial plants are complex and highly automated.
They must operate efficiently in order to ensure the company’s
competitive strength. In addition, the steadily increasing net-
working of machines and plants require consistent security con-
cepts. Maintenance and status monitoring as well as the imple-
mentation of integrated security concepts by Siemens’ experts
support optimum plant use and avoid downtime. The services in-
clude maintenance management as well as consulting on main-
tenance concepts, including the complete handling and execu-
tion of the necessary measures. Complete solutions also cover
remote services, including analysis, remote diagnosis, and re-
mote monitoring. These are based on the Siemens Remote Ser-
vices platform with certified IT security.
Service Contracts
Making maintenance costs calculable, reducing interfaces,
speeding up response times, and unburdening the company’s
resources – the reduced downtimes that these measures
achieve increase the productivity of a plant. Service contracts
from Siemens make maintenance and repairs more cost-effec-
tive and efficient. The service packages include local and re-
mote maintenance for a system or product group in automation
and drive technology. Whether you need extended service peri-
ods, defined response times, or special maintenance intervals,
the services are compiled individually and according to need.
They can be adjusted flexibly at any time and used indepen-
dently of each other. The expertise of Siemens’ specialists and
the capabilities of remote maintenance thus ensure reliable and
fast maintenance processes throughout a plant’s entire lifecycle.
© Siemens AG 2014