Siemens IK PI · 2015
Industrial Remote Communication
TeleControl Professional
Stations for DNP3 protocol
Data is transmitted using the open DNP3 protocol
Media redundancy by the use of physically separated
connection paths without the loss of data when switching over
Extensive diagnostics functions including the option of
logging the sent and received message frames
Time-of-day synchronization with the assigned DNP3 master
system is possible
Remote programming in the case of IP-based networks
Option for connecting a SIMATIC S7-400 and
SIMATIC S7-400 H system
Modbus RTU Master connected to a serial port
Also available with the new Version 3.0
DNP3 Master
DNP3 nodes;
the module operates simultaneously as master and slave and,
as a data concentrator, links the RTUs with the control center
Peer-to-peer communication in the Ethernet-based network
between the TIM modules used as DNP3 slaves
Setting of DNP3 event classes (Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3)
Routing between TIM modules
Support of analog dialup modems (PSTN dialup)
The communications module TIM 4R-IE DNP3 has its own
processor and a RAM for buffering up to 200 000 data points.
This prevents any loss of data in the event of a fault on the
communication link or the failure of a communication partner.
The SINAUT diagnostics and service tool of the SINAUT ST7
Engineering Software V5.4 provides comprehensive diagnostic
functions, including:
Operating status of the TIM module
Module status of the TIM module
General diagnostic information
Diagnostic buffer of the TIM module
Status of the connections to remote communication partners
SIMATIC PCS7 TeleControl V7.1 SP2)
Status and level of the transmit buffer
TIM frame monitor for recording the frame traffic
The SINAUT configuration software V5.4 is used for configuring
the TIM 4R-IE DNP3 module. Parameters are assigned with the
aid of the SINAUT configuration software in STEP 7 HW Config
and STEP 7 Netpro.
The TIM 4R-IE DNP3 module is connected to a WAN via two
floating RS232/RS485 interfaces, and specifically via various
data communication devices depending on the application:
Dedicated line modems for point-to-point, point-to-multipoint
or line connections
Analog dialup modems (V3.0 or higher)
Fiber-optic cable modules (via RS485 converters)
Wireless devices from various manufacturers
In addition, it is possible to connect a Modbus RTU slave to the
S7-300 system via the TIM 4R-IE DNP3.
Via two RJ45 interfaces, the TIM 4R-IE DNP3 module
can be connected to the Ethernet, i.e. to IP-based networks
© Siemens AG 2014