Siemens IK PI · 2015
Engineering/Network Management/Diagnostics
SIMATIC PDM system-integrated
SIMATIC PDM S7 V6.1 is a product package for projects with
up to 128 TAGs and is configured for the use of SIMATIC PDM
in a SIMATIC S7 configuration environment. In addition to
SIMATIC PDM Service V6.1, it also offers functions for integration
in the hardware configurator (HW Config) of STEP 7
(corresponds to the option "SIMATIC PDM Integration in STEP 7/
PCS 7").
SIMATIC PDM S7 V6.1 can be expanded by the functional
options "SIMATIC PDM Routing V6.1" and "Communication via
Standard HART-Multiplexer V6.1" as well as by SIMATIC PDM
The SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V6.1 product package is designed
for projects with up to 128 TAGs. It extends the functionality of
SIMATIC PDM Service V6.1 with routing from the central
engineering system to the devices in the field and integrates
SIMATIC PDM in the SIMATIC PCS 7 configuration environment
by means of HW Config.
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V6.1 can be expanded by the options
"SIMATIC PDM Communication via Standard HART Multiplexer
V6.1" and SIMATIC PDM PowerPacks.
Optional product components for SIMATIC PDM V6.1
SIMATIC PDM Integration option in STEP 7/PCS 7 V6.1
This option is used for the integration of SIMATIC PDM V6.1
in a SIMATIC S7 or SIMATIC PCS 7 configuration environment.
SIMATIC PDM V6.1 can then be started directly from the hard-
ware configurator (HW Config) in STEP 7/SIMATIC PCS 7.
SIMATIC PDM Routing V6.1 option
If you want to use SIMATIC PDM V6.1 in a central engineering
system for plant-wide configuration, parameter assignment,
commissioning and diagnostics of the devices in the field, you
need the "SIMATIC PDM Routing V6.1" option in addition to the
"SIMATIC PDM Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7 V6.1" option. From
the central engineering system, you can then reach every device
in the field that can be configured per EDD throughout the plant
and across different bus systems and remote I/Os.
SIMATIC PDM Communication
via Standard HART Multiplexer V6.1 option
This option permits SIMATIC PDM to use the HART server for
communication with HART field devices via HART multiplexers.
TAG options/PowerPacks for SIMATIC PDM V6.1
A TAG corresponds to a SIMATIC PDM object, which represents
individual field devices or components within a project, e.g.
measuring instruments, positioners, switching devices or remote
I/Os. TAGs are also relevant for diagnostics with the lifelist of
SIMATIC PDM. In this case, TAGs are considered to be all
recognized devices with diagnostics capability, whose detailed
diagnostics is effected through the device description (EDD).
In contrast to PowerPacks, TAG options are only suitable for
individual SIMATIC PDM product configurations on the basis of
SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1. Using the SIMATIC PDM TAG options
for SIMATIC PDM V6.1, SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1 can be ex-
panded from 4 TAGs to 128, 512, 1 024 or 2 048 TAGs, and with
the help of an additive PowerPack for SIMATIC PDM V6.1 even
to unlimited TAGs.
With the PowerPacks for SIMATIC PDM V6.1, product packages
based on SIMATIC PDM V6.1 can be provided with additional
TAGs. PowerPacks are available for TAG expansion to 512,
1 024, 2 048 and unlimited TAGs.
Demonstration software
SIMATIC PDM V6.1 and SIMATIC PDM V8.1 are also available
with demo software for demonstration purposes. Storage func-
tions, export/import and extended functionality cannot be used
with the demo software. The communication functions are
© Siemens AG 2014