Siemens IK PI · 2015
SIMOCODE 3UF Motor Management and Control Devices
Selection and ordering data
Please order PC cable separately, see page 3/293.
More information see Catalog IC 10, Chapter 14
"Parameterization, Configuration and Visualization with SIRIUS",
Industry Mall or Interactive Catalog CA 01.
Programming and Operating Manual SIMOCODE pro Library for
PCS 7 see
Article No.
SIMOCODE pro block library for SIMATIC PCS 7 Version 7
Engineering software V7
For one engineering station (single license) including runtime software
for execution of the AS blocks in an automation system (single license),
Scope of supply:
AS blocks and faceplates for integrating SIMOCODE pro into the
PCS 7 process control system, for PCS7 version V7.0/V7.1
Type of delivery:
Software and documentation on CD,
one license for one engineering station,
one license for one automation system
Runtime license V7
For execution of the AS blocks in an automation system (single license)
Required for using the AS blocks of the engineering software V7 or the
engineering software migration V7-V8 on an additional automation system
within a plant
Type of delivery:
One license for one automation system,
without software and documentation
Upgrade for SIMOCODE pro PCS 7 block library, V6.0 or V6.1
to version SIMOCODE pro V7.0/V7.1
For one engineering station (single license) including runtime software
for execution of the AS blocks in an automation system (single license),
Scope of supply:
AS blocks and faceplates for integrating SIMOCODE pro into the
PCS 7 process control system, for PCS7 version V7.0/V7.1
Type of delivery:
Software and documentation on CD,
one license for one engineering station,
one license for one automation system
Engineering software migration V7-V8
For upgrading (migrating) an existing engineering software V7
of the SIMOCODE pro block library for PCS 7
Conditions of use:
Availability of the engineering software V7 (license) of the SIMOCODE pro
block library for PCS 7 for the PCS 7 version V7.0 or V7.1
The engineering software migration V7-V8 can be installed directly
onto a system with PCS 7 version V8.0; installation of the previous version is
For one engineering station (single license) including runtime software
for execution of the AS blocks in an automation system (single license),
Scope of supply:
AS blocks and faceplates for integrating SIMOCODE pro into the
PCS 7 process control system, for PCS 7 version V8.0
Type of delivery:
software and documentation on CD,
license for upgrading an existing license
for one engineering station and a plant's assigned
runtime licenses
© Siemens AG 2014