Siemens IK PI · 2015
3SF5 pushbuttons and indicator lights
Enclosure and front panel module for AS-Interface
> Customized equipment
Enclosures can be equipped with optional command devices for
implementing customized command device-to-AS-Interface
Customized enclosures are available with between 2 and 6
command points.
One command point comprises:
1 actuator or indicator
Up to 3 contact blocks or up to 2 contact blocks + 1
1 inscription label
For plastic enclosures the command points are equipped as
standard with plastic actuators and indicators, for metal enclo-
sures they are equipped with metal actuators and indicators.
Installation of AS-Interface slaves
The following slave types are available for connecting the
command points:
Slave in A/B technology with 4 inputs and 3 outputs
Slave with 4 inputs and 4 outputs
F Slave with 2 safe inputs for EMERGENCY-STOP
The following table shows the maximum number of equippable
Applies to plastic enclosures. For metal enclosures with 4 command
points, only 1 × slave 4I/4O or 4I/3O is possible.
The customized enclosure is supplied fully equipped and wired.
For connection to AS-Interface selection can be made between:
Terminal for shaped AS-Interface cable.
The cable is contacted by the insulation piercing method and
routed past the enclosure on the outside (possible only with
plastic enclosure).
Cable gland for the shaped AS-Interface cable or round ca-
ble. The cable is routed into the enclosure (preferable for
metal enclosure).
Connection using M12 plug.
If less than all inputs/outputs of the installed slaves in an enclo-
sure are used for connecting the command devices, free inputs
and outputs can be routed on request to the outside through an
M12 socket on the top or bottom side of the enclosure. The re-
quired pin assignments for the M12 socket must be stated on the
order form.
To supply inputs with power, the S+ connection of the slave must
be assigned to the socket, for outputs the OUT– connection
must be assigned.
Addressing is performed using the AS-Interface connections or
the integrated addressing socket. An external power supply is
not required.
On enclosures with EMERGENCY-STOP, the EMERGENCY-
STOP mushroom pushbutton can be wired conventionally or via
a safe AS-Interface slave.
When the EMERGENCY-STOP mushroom pushbutton is conven-
tionally wired, up to three switching contacts can be selected for
interrogated via AS-Interface, two contacts can be used for the
safety circuit.
When the pushbutton is conventionally wired, an EMERGENCY-
STOP contact block can be interrogated via AS-Interface if
Selection and ordering data
Customized enclosures are selected and ordered directly via the
3SB3/3SF5 configurator for pushbuttons and indicator lights.
An electronic order form will be generated for the additional
options. You reach the configurator via the electronic catalog
CA 01 on CD-ROM or DVD, or via the online catalog (Mall) on the
Select the configurator for "Pushbutton Units and Indicator
Lights 3SB3, 3SF5" from the configurator list.
Start the configuring process by selecting list entry "Execute"
and select "Customized enclosure ASI".
The list price of the complete enclosure is generated in the con-
figurator for the customized equipment. To utilize this service,
you must register and log on in the configurator.
Please send the electronically generated order form in parallel
with the order to our Competence Center at
If you are unable to access either of these media, please contact
our Technical Assistance.
Enclosures for
Number of slaves
for enclosures without
Number of slaves
for enclosures with
2 command points
1 × slave 4I/4O or 4I/3O
Version not available
3 command points
1 × slave 4I/4O or 4I/3O
1 × slave 4I/4O or 4I/3O +
1 × F slave
4 command points
2 × slave 4I/4O or 4I/3O
2 × slave 4I/4O or 4I/3O +
1 × F slave
6 command points
2 × slave 4I/4O or 4I/3O
2 × slave 4I/4O or 4I/3O +
1 × F slave
© Siemens AG 2014