Siemens IK PI · 2015
I/O modules for use in the field, high degree of protection
Analog I/O modules IP67 – K60
K60 analog compact module
AS-Interface analog modules from the K60 compact series
detect or issue analog signals locally. These modules are linked
to the higher-level controller through an AS-Interface master
according to Specification 2.1 or Specification 3.0.
The analog modules are divided into the following groups:
Input modules
- for sensors with current signal
- for sensors with voltage signal
- for sensors with thermal resistor
Output modules
- for current actuators
- for voltage actuators
The input modules according to Profile 7.3/7.4 are available with
two or four input channels. It is possible in addition to convert
the two-channel module to using only one input channel, thus
enabling very short times before the analog value is available.
The conversion is effected by means of a jumper plug at socket
3. The transmission times achieved with analog modules ac-
cording to Profile 7.A.9 are shorter by half than those achieved
with Profile 7.3/7.4. Operation is adjustable in this case, e.g. it is
possible to choose with the ID1 code whether the module is
operated with one or two channels.
The output modules are configured as two-channel modules as
The input and output channels are electrically separated from
the AS-Interface network. If sensors with a higher power require-
ment are to be connected, more power can be supplied through
the auxiliary voltage as an alternative to the internal supply.
In the manual, the modules are presented in great detail along
with their technical specifications and in-depth notes on opera-
tion. Sample function blocks round off the manual.
Analog modules are just as easy to integrate in AS-Interface
as digital modules
Analog values can be easily detected and issued locally
Preprocessing of the analog value transmission in the master
enables rapid evaluation of the analog values
Up to four values can be detected using one analog module
Faster transmission and conversion of analog values thanks to
the new option for a switchover to single-channel operation
In addition, Specification 3.0 now also offers:
A/B technology, now also with analog modules
On average, double fast transmission times
(only 3 or 4 cycles, depending on the resolution selected)
Variable adjustable mode: 12 bit or 14 bit resolution,
1 or 2-channel, selectable over the ID1 code
Extra simple handling of analog value processing with
masters of Specification 3.0, the DP/AS-i LINK Advanced
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