Siemens IK PI · 2015
I/O modules for use in the field, high degree of protection
Digital I/O modules IP67 – K60
The K60 digital AS-Interface compact modules are character-
ized by optimized handling characteristics and user-friendli-
ness. They permit the mounting times and startup times
of AS-Interface to be reduced by up to 40 %.
Mounting and connection of the AS-Interface shaped cables
Assembly of the K60 modules is performed with a mounting
plate which accommodates the AS-Interface shaped cables.
Two different mounting plates are offered for
Wall mounting
Standard rail mounting
The mounting plate and the compact module are joined together
by means of a screw, with simultaneous contacting of the
AS-Interface cable by the service-proven insulation piercing
Addressing and connection of the sensors/actuators
Addressing of the K60 modules is performed using an address-
ing socket integrated in the compact module. The addresses
can also be assigned after installation.
K60 modules with a maximum of four digital inputs and outputs
These compact modules contain the M12 standard connections
for inputs and outputs. Using M12 standard connectors, a
maximum of four sensors and four actuators can be connected
to the compact module.
K60 compact modules with a maximum of eight digital inputs
These modules have eight digital inputs for connection through
M12 plugs.
The module requires two AS-Interface addresses for processing
all eight inputs. The addressing can thus be performed through
a double addressing socket integrated in the module.
K60 compact modules with four digital inputs and outputs ac-
cording to AS-Interface Specification 3.0
The extended address mode (A/B addresses) AS-Interface
Specification 3.0 enables the connection of up to 62 slaves on
one AS-Interface network. With the extended address mode,
four outputs are now possible even with A/B slaves (instead of
only three outputs possible up to now with Specification 2.1).
Hence with full expansion of an AS-Interface network, there are
now 248 inputs as well as 248 outputs available on one
AS-i network.
Please note, however,
that these modules can be used only with a master
according to AS-i Specification 3.0
that the cycle times for the outputs may be up to 20 ms.
K60 data couplers
An AS-Interface data coupler has been added to the
K60 compact module range. Integrated in this module are
two AS-i slaves which are connected to two different AS-i
networks. Each of the two integrated slaves has four virtual
inputs and four virtual outputs. The bidirectional data transmis-
sion of four data bits between two AS-i networks is thus possible
in a simple and cost-effective manner. The data coupler need
its own address in each AS-i network.
Each AS-i network works with a different cycle time depending
on the number of stations. Hence two AS-i networks are not
necessarily synchronous. For this reason the AS-i data coupler
can be used to transmit only standard data and no safety data.
K60 compact modules for use in hazardous areas (ATEX)
Two versions of the K60 modules are available for operation in
Zone 22 hazardous areas according to Classification II 3D
(dusty atmosphere, non-conductive dust). The version with four
inputs and four outputs has the designation (Ex) II 3D Ex tD A22
IP65X T75°C and the version with four inputs has the designation
(Ex) II 3D Ex tD A22 IP65X T60°C.
Special conditions have to be observed for the safe operation of
these devices. In particular the module must be protected by
suitable measures from mechanical damage.
More information
For other conditions for safe operation see
© Siemens AG 2014