Siemens IK PI · 2015
PROFINET/Industrial Ethernet
Communication for PC-based systems
S7 OPC Redundancy for Industrial Ethernet
S7 OPC Redundancy enables the setup of redundant OPC UA
servers, thus ensuring plant access for the operator control and
monitoring systems.
This means, for example, that the information synchronization
between two SIMATIC NET S7 OPC servers via the S7 OPC
Redundancy software package is guaranteed. This is handled
transparently for the OPC Client application so that in the event
of a fault, the redundant OPC server takes over the tasks from
the failed OPC server system.
Data exchange between the OPC clients and the OPC servers
takes place via the standardized OPC UA communication.
Communication with the SIMATIC S7 controller takes place using
the S7 protocol. This is ensured by the software products
SIMATIC NET SOFTNET or HARDNET-S7 for Industrial Ethernet
that are necessary as the basis for SIMATIC NET IE S7 OPC
The S7 OPC Redundancy software package supports:
High availability;
Failure of one OPC UA server results in immediate use of the
other OPC
UA server, and continuation of the existing OPC
client connection. The basis for this is the OPC UA synchroni-
zation that ensures synchronization of the necessary client
Load compensation;
Even distribution of OPC clients among the available OPC
A configuration tool is included in the scope of delivery of the
software package.
Ordering data
Article No.
S7 OPC Redundancy
Software for redundant
OPC servers in the environment
of Industrial Ethernet software,
S7 products, runtime software,
software and electronic manual
on CD-ROM, license key on
USB flash drive, Class A
S7 OPC Redundancy V12 for
Industrial Ethernet
for 64-bit: Windows 2008 Server R2;
• Single License for one installation
© Siemens AG 2014