Our services
DriveTag from DriveBenefits – functional barcode
labels that are attached to drives or packages
for straightforward electronic identification. This
means it is easy, for example, to automate your
incoming goods processes and make your inter-
nal material flow more dynamic.
Your beneIts
Straightforward identiIcation
of products
and deliveries using a barcode scanner.
SimpLe handLing
thanks to functional labels
with printed barcode and plain text.
²ow error rate
as no manual data entry
is required.
²ess time required
thanks to automated
incoming goods processes and a more
efficient material flow.
Step 3:
Delivery & material flow
Optimize your Logistics processes with the range of services in this process step. You can
reduce the time you spend deaLing with incoming goods, make your internaL materiaL low
more dynamic and controL aLL deLiveries and their subsequent internaL use more efIcientLy.
Decide what suits you best.
Your added vaLue:
Efficient resource planning
thanks to prompt notification that goods are on
their way or more targeted control of all deliveries.
Our tailor-made services ensure you are always
extremely well organized, save valuable time and
are ready to put our products to good use.
Benefit from this added value and see for your-
self just how advantageous it is. The portfolio
includes our DriveTag functional barcode labels
on packages or drives, which help optimize your
flow of goods.