More preciseLy, this means
that our energy-
saving products fulfil all the relevant requirements
and the latest criteria in energy efficiency, and
are once again provided as a modular system
– the specially designed energy-saving range.
Since we are committed to flexible systems, our
energy consultation also has a modular structure.
We work very closely with you to tailor our ad-
vice on saving energy to your precise require-
ments, thus contributing to cost transparency,
process efficiency and measurable success.
These are all highly tangible results that can
be achieved through energy-saving solutions
“made by SEW-EURODRIVE”.
Speaking of tangibLe resuLts –
major energy
consumers such as production systems and
machines are easy to identify. They can be mon-
itored and, ideally, optimized. But what about
“hidden” energy consumers? It can often be very
difficult to fit the task of identifying energy-
saving potential into day-to-day operations.
Especially if truly tangible savings are required.
But we can make this possible – for instance,
with our practical energy-saving tools. From our
energy-saving calculator and energy report to
an IE Guide, these handy tools and many more
besides can help us work together to create a
comprehensive energy-saving solution for you.
Saving energy
is becoming more important than ever. Industry has a crucial part to
play here – and we at SEW-EURODRIVE are well aware of this key role. We have therefore
developed a specially designed portfolio of options to help you save energy.
Your success
Ensure your success
by optimizing your energy
balance with our energy-saving solution.
SEW-EURODR±VE is your reLiabLe probLem soLver.
From initiaL and project pLanning through to
startup and maintenance, you can read about
the soLutions on offer here.