Anti-vibration Mounts
Anti-vibration Mounts as customized system elements
Cost optimized anti-vibration mount type
V 18 for large series application
Pre-investment study for a high volume need of anti-vibration
mounts type V 18. The housing of the mount is planned as
“endless” light metal extrusion profile, cut in required element
Cab assembly suspension on all-wheel
crane truck
Tearproof low frequency suspension of the driver’s cab on an
off-road crane truck. These specific crane trucks are planned
for the employment in pathless areas for the pipeline emplace-
ment. The elastic suspensions of the driver’s cab shall offer a
high comfort at road transfer of the vehicle – and should offer
a very high side stability while off-road acting without indefi-
nable “floatage” of the cab. Cab suspension with four ESL 50
mounts and customized brackets.
Tearproof mounting of wind generators
on anti-vibration mounts type V 45
Tearproof installation of wind generators on high steel girder
masts and building roofs. On the one hand the anti-vibration
mounts type V 45 avoid the transmission of vibrations and sol-
id-borne noise from the wind generator on the building or
structure, on the other hand the absolutely tearproof suspen-
sions offer safe stability at strong wind emergence.