The worm gears made by Chiaravalli SpA are square and are considerably versatile for mounting. The machining of the components,
carried out using numeric control machines, guarantees maximum precision for the restricted tolerances, producing a product that will
remain reliable over time. The groups are constructed with aluminium casings from sizes 025 to 090, while the sizes 110 and 130 are
made from cast iron.
All of the bodies are painted with RAL 9022 aluminium colour to protect the parts from aging and to give better protection against microblowholes
that may be present in the aluminium.
The gears are supplied with at least one filling plug that is also used during testing to check for possible leaks.
A connection flange allows two gears to be combined in order to obtain high gear ratios.
Four sizes of CHPC pre-stage gears are available to pair with the gears; these are also constructed in aluminium and are painted like the worm gears.
All of the groups are supplied with a lubricant whose characteristics are described in the following table.
The size 025 to 090 gears are supplied complete with synthetic oil and therefore do not require any maintenance. The size 110 and 130 gears are supplied with the quantity of mineral oil foreseen for the B3 assembly position. It is the client’s responsibility to adapt the quantity of oil to the assembly position and in addition, to substitute the filling plug, supplied closed for transport reasons, with the one equipped with a hole attached to the gear. If the breather plug is not installed it may create internal pressure with a consequent leakage of oil from the oil seals. For the sizes 110 and 130 we recommend that the oil is changed after the running in period, approx. 300 working hours.
Gears that are supplied with mounting flanges must be assembled with motors whose shaft and flange tolerances correspond to a “normal class” of quality in order to avoid vibration and forcing of the input bearing. Motors supplied by Chiaravalli guarantee that this requirement is fulfilled. For ease of consultation, the correspondence of the size of the B5 and B14 motor with the sizes of the shaft and the motor connection flange are shown in the following table.
Remember that, as the motor connection flanges are separate from the body it is also possible to have a shaft / flange combination that does not correspond to the table, e.g. 19/140, thereby offering adaptability for other non-unified models such as the brushless or direct current types.
N.B. From size 25 to 63 the gears are always supplied in the Universal position and can therefore be mounted in any position, from size 75 to size 130 if the position required differs from B3 it must be specified. In particular, in the event that a gear in position B3 is to be mounted in positions V5 or V6, the bearing positioned in the upper side must be lubricated using suitable grease that ensures proper lubrication. We have tested Tecnolubeseal POLYMER 400/2 grease.
The choice of power installed is tied to the unification of the motors, therefore it is sometimes in exuberance compared to the gear; always verify the maximum torque indicated when making the selection and if in doubt please contact our technical office.