Tellure Rota ESD polyurethane wheels with electrical resistance

Tellure Rota ESD polyurethane wheels with electrical resistance designed for dispersing the accumulation of electrostatic charges in environments where these can cause problems to equipment or put at risk the safety of the place, handling medium and heavy duty loads, maintaining the excellent physical/chemical features of “TR” polyurethane and “TR-Roll” elastic polyurethane.

Chiorino detectable conveyor and process belts

Chiorino DET is a full range of food grade metal detectable products. The exclusive DET TPU belt is recognized in very small particles by the metal detectors used in food processing and packaging. Chiorino DET line guarantees a safest food production and prevents products recalls.

R&D comparison between Chiorino DET line and average competitors shows that the DET line is far more detectable: + 300%. A very small debris of DET belt is recognized by the metal detector. The prompt identification and removal of the contaminated product assures a safest food processing and packaging.